Frostie-Topper-Combo-1/8 Down
$35.00 CAD $79.99 CAD
Want to make a snowflake?
This Silly Moon Quilting ruler will help you to consistently make snowflakes.
There are two Rulers
Frostie (The base ruler)
Topper (this ruler allows for a variety of snowflakes - as no two are the same)
Available in 1/4 and 1/8"
Category: asilly, BTPSillyRuler, Machine Quilting Rulers, oversilly, overstock, Prime, Quilt Rulers, Quilting Rulers, Quilting with Rulers, Ruler, Silly Moon, ThanksSilly
$20.00 CAD $45.99 CAD
Quilting with rulers allows you to create quilting designs that are accurate, consistent all with only your domestic sewing machine. The Ultimate Square Tool 1/2", 3/4", 1" & 1.5" finished...